Jenny's Library
Reading Challenge 2016
Read (874)
Planning to read (31)
Currently reading (5)
adult fiction to read (33)
didn't finish (13)
graphic novel to read (14)
j nonfiction to read (25)
middle grade to read (92)
nonfiction to read (43)
picture book to read (40)
reference (2)
young adult to read (191)
Favorite (1)
Wishlist (0)
Reviewed (0)
abuse (19)
advanced reader copy (23)
adventure (33)
africa (6)
African (2)
african american (54)
Alternative history (1)
animal stories (88)
animals (47)
anthology (2)
architecture (2)
art (24)
asian (21)
asian-american (27)
astronomy (4)
award winner (17)
baby (129)
bedtime (15)
bilingual (13)
biography (31)
biology (19)
black (42)
board book (152)
books from my childhood (2)
books i own (99)
books to buy (18)
bullying (21)
chapter book (29)
childhood (3)
climate (3)
colonialism (7)
colors (16)
coming of age (11)
computer science (4)
concept (31)
cooking (5)
counting (12)
craft (1)
criticism (1)
cumulative (1)
dance (10)
digital galley (126)
dinosaur (8)
disability (10)
disaster (3)
dragons (10)
drug abuse (1)
dystopia (15)
earth science (1)
easy reader (63)
ebook (4)
ecology (5)
engineering (1)
etiquette (2)
fabulous girls (81)
fairy tales (15)
family (168)
fantasy (119)
fashion (2)
feminism (15)
first nations (9)
flaps (17)
flying (2)
folk tales (2)
food (13)
fourth wall (3)
friendship (140)
gender (8)
genocide (3)
geology (1)
graphic novel (45)
grief (62)
hispanic (17)
historical fiction (67)
history (33)
holiday (23)
horror (1)
humor (101)
identity (6)
imagination (1)
indigenous peoples (9)
intrigue (11)
latin@ (21)
LGBTQ (36)
math (11)
media (1)
mental health (3)
mental illness (12)
middle east (1)
middle eastern (3)
middle grade (173)
monster (6)
moon (1)
music (11)
muslim (6)
mystery (47)
myth (6)
native american (2)
nature (4)
nonfiction (80)
novela (3)
novelette (1)
nursery rhyme (4)
ocean (6)
on loan (99)
paleontology (1)
pettern books (12)
physics (7)
picture book (291)
poetry (16)
politics (13)
pop-up (5)
preschool (219)
primary grades (336)
problem solving (1)
quest (1)
racism (43)
realistic fiction (70)
realtionships (22)
religion (19)
requested (5)
review posted (181)
review written (107)
revolution (1)
rhyme (16)
robots (3)
romance (80)
school stories (18)
science (16)
science fiction (84)
seasons (10)
Sexual assault (1)
short stories (18)
signed (18)
social justice (33)
sociology (2)
space (7)
space opera (2)
spanish (1)
spies (5)
sports (17)
stars (2)
steampunk (4)
supernatural (17)
superpower (12)
survival (30)
suspense (19)
tactile (12)
television (1)
texture (3)
theory (1)
things that go (7)
to request (52)
toddler (217)
trauma (15)
travel (13)
war (44)
weather (5)
wordless (12)
write review (566)
young adult (160)
Unshelved (26)
add date
read date